Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA

Registered Offices: Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 / 00161 Rome - Italy

Tax and VAT No. 06359501001 - Business Register No. 962805

Last revision: June 2018


The website of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA – FS SpA – (hereinafter for brevity “the Website”) aims to provide users with institutional information on the structure of the Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane.

Access to and browsing the Website involves the full acceptance of the following conditions. Failure to comply with what is provided in, may involve the blocking of access and – in case of law violations – reporting to the competent authorities.

Intellectual property

All rights over the contents (purely as examples: texts, images, logos, audio and video files and the Website architecture) are exclusive to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA (© FS SpA) or to their respective proprietors, pursuant to current legislation on copyright as indicated in Italian Law No. 633 dated 22 April 1941.

Therefore, the contents of the Website cannot be, partially or totally, reproduced, transferred, uploaded, published or distributed in any way without prior express consent from Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA.

Some rights to reproduce or quote material remain valid, as referred to in the afore-mentioned legislation on copyright. Moreover, users are allowed to print or save individual parts or extracts of the Website on their own devices, provided that such action is for strictly personal and non-commercial use.

“Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane®” is a registered trademark. The trademarks, whether referring to an enterprise or products, and the logos and distinctive marks which appear on the Website are the property of FS SpA or of the companies in the Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane, pursuant to the current legislation on industrial property rights, as indicated in Italian Legislative Decree No. 30 dated 10 February 2005 (Code on Industrial Property Rights).

Other trademarks and distinctive marks on the pages of the Website belong to their respective owners.

It is strictly forbidden to reproduce and use, in any context, form or manner any trademarks, logos and distinctive marks of FS SpA and of the other companies in the Gruppo FS Italiane.

FS SpA informs users that the reproduction and, more in general, the unauthorized use of trademarks and distinctive marks will be construed as tort and may sometimes bear the characteristics of a criminal offence, liable to prosecution.

The names “Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane” or “Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane”, associated in any way with the trademark and name of Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA, in part or whole, may not be used as internet domain names of other websites or as part of such domain names.

Trademarks, slogans and more in general the terms that may be ascribable to the latter, may not even be included inside html codes of pages of other websites: it is, in fact, forbidden to third parties to the companies in the Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane to use them as meta-data (meta-tags, keyword-tags, etc.).

Any form of link to the Website must be such as not to damage the image or activities of the Gruppo FS Italiane.

Limits of liability

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA places the utmost care and attention in the management of its Website and in assessing and updating its contents.

However, the text, information and other data published or accessible via specific forms are purely for information purposes and have no official character, unless indicated otherwise or provided for by current legislation. They are provided “as they are” and according to availability.

Therefore, also in consideration of the fact that the provision of services is given without charge, Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane does not provide any guarantee, and furthermore declines any direct or indirect liability due to any inaccuracies, errors, omissions and damages that may, in some way, come from the aforesaid contents.

The Website may provide links to other websites or other available resources on the Internet. Nevertheless, FS SpA has no control over the contents of such websites or resources and, therefore, does not accept any liability for the contents, services or information (also of an advertising nature) or anything else that may be offered by such websites or external resources.

Although Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA acts with due meticulousness, it cannot guarantee and therefore declines all liability in this regard, that may be caused by the use of the Website, also due to the pernicious actions of third parties, including the transmission of viruses or other kinds of contamination.

Information and material sent by users

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA does not accept or take into consideration any unsolicited material of any kind or nature, including ideas for advertising campaigns, technologies, website graphics or anything else. Therefore, users are expressly requested not to send any material of any kind, nor to submit any ideas, creations, proposals of any sort etc. to FS SpA.

Consequently, any material that may nevertheless reach Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA in any form and via any method shall be considered as non-confidential material.

In addition, by sending or uploading such material, the related rights of ownership or free and unlimited use in time thereof, including for commercial purposes, are implicitly transferred to Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA. Therefore, FS SpA shall have no obligations of any kind as regards such material and shall be free to reproduce it, use it, disclose it, display it, transform it and produce other works from the original and distribute it to third parties with absolutely no limitation, and with no possibility that this may involve any liability of any kind as regards violations of current legislation in relation to intellectual and industrial property.

It is forbidden to upload, communicate, transmit, and/or publish on the Website or through it:

  • information or materials contrary to morality;
  • content and materials concerning advertising, market research, and prize competitions, with the exception of those managed by the site Administrator;
  • pyramid or chain communications;
  • fraudulent or deceptive offers.

Applicable legislation and competent tribunal

The application of these Conditions and Terms of use is governed by Italian Law.

Any dispute that may arise regarding these Terms and Conditions of use (including those regarding the application, interpretation, and validity thereof) shall be dealt with exclusively by the Law courts in Rome, Italy.

Any requests for clarification may be sent to:

Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane SpA

Piazza della Croce Rossa, 1 - 00161 Rome - Italy